On Sunday, July 24, over one hundred high school and middle school students will come to the greater Middle Peninsula area to provide some much needed home repairs for members of our community. These student and adult volunteers will be working in the area for five days at eight different work sites, and will leave on Saturday morning, July 30. They are serving under the Impact Mission Camps banner which is a joint mission project of the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association and the Baptist General Association of Virginia. The goal of the Impact Mission Camps is to make sure that at the end of the week there will be some homes that are safer, dryer, and warmer because of the work done by these student volunteers.
The twenty five churches that make up the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association have been preparing for this week for almost a year. It takes almost fifty thousand dollars in cash, goods, and services to take on such a project, as well as over one hundred volunteers to provide food, lodging, materials, and supervision for these student volunteers. The Mid-Tidewater Baptist Associational churches and such businesses as Holiday Chevrolet-Cadillac, Middle Peninsula Insurance, Lawyers Title-Middle Peninsula, Church View Septic, Handy Ice, Dano’s Pizza, Southern Landscaping, Harrow’s Hardware, Horizon Trust, and many other individuals helped meet the $20,000 goal of the MTBA.
The MTBA churches have divided into five feeding Hubs. Each day one of the Hubs will be responsible for providing lunches, water, and Gatorade to each work site for that day. It takes a lot of preparation and coordination to make sure that each group of student volunteers have a good tasty lunch each day as well as plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Mathews BC, Newington BC, Harmony Grove BC, Hermitage BC, and Poroporone BC will serve as host churches for the feeding Hubs where the lunch preparations will take place. After the lunches are prepared the eight delivery teams will head out across the Middle Peninsula area to deliver the lunches and more drinks for the work crews. Harmony Grove BC will provide lodging each night, and the Pilot House will provide a morning breakfast and evening meal each day for the students. On Thursday night, Urbanna BC will host a barbecue dinner for all the students, chaperons, and crew chiefs as a way of saying thanks for sharing your time and talents with our community.