Bylaws – WMU

Woman’s Missionary Union Auxiliary
to Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia

We, the women of the churches of the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia, desirous of stimulating the missionary spirit and the grace of giving among the women and young people of the churches of the Association, adopt the following bylaws:

1.1. The name of the organization shall be Woman’s Missionary Union Auxiliary to the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia.

2.1. The purpose of the organization is to promote teaching of and participation in Christian missions.

3.1. The membership shall be the members of Woman’s Missionary organizations and other supporting women’s mission ministries of the churches in the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia.

4.1. The officers shall be: Association Woman’s Missionary Union Director, Associate Woman’s Missionary Union Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Consultants for: Women Friends, Girls-in-Action/Younger RA’s, Acteens/Youth and Older RA’s, Women on Mission, Health and Wellness.
Leaders for Mission Prayer Support for Mission Project Involvement, Mission Study, and Historian.
4.2. Officers and Consultants shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall hold office for one year. The term of office shall begin at the final adjournment of the annual spring meeting and be limited to three consecutive years in the same office.
NOTE: “with the exception of the Music Director and the Organist/Pianist would be omitted from this section.
4.3. There shall be an annual nominating committee of six persons appointed by the Association WMU Director, four of which are to be selected from counties within the association and two members-at-large. The committee shall elect its own chairman.
4.4. The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies of offices that may occur during the year.
4.5. The duties of the officers shall be:
4.5.a. The Association WMU Director shall arrange a program for the annual meeting; preside over meetings of the Union, the Executive Council, and the Executive Committee; call special meetings; send out reports; carry on necessary correspondence for the Union with the assistance of the Secretary and have general supervision of all phases of the work of Woman’s Missionary Union.
4.5.b. The Associate WMU Director shall assume the duties of the Director in her absence; she shall serve as Missions Growth Consultant.
4.5.c. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the annual meeting of the Union and of the meetings of the Executive Concil and the Executive Committee. She shall assist the Director with correspondence and give copies of the minutes of all the meetings to the Historian. If the Director and Associate Director are unable to serve, the Secretary shall temporarily assume their duties until a new Director is chosen.
4.5.d. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and pay all bills of the Union; make an annual report to the body, and shall be chairman of the Budget Committee. The Assistant Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in her absence.
4.5.e. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for parliamentary procedure at all proceedings using Robert’s Rules of Order.
4.5.f. The Consultants for Women on Mission, Acteens (or Youth on Mission), Girls-in-Action (or Children in Action), Mission Friends, Health and Wellness shall have general oversight of the work of their respective organization; stimulate interest therein; and shall plan Association-wide events as desired.
4.5.g. The Leaders for Prayer Support, Mission Project Involvement and Mission Study shall promote such ministries and projects in the plan of work as set forth by the Woman’s Missionary Union.
4.5.h. The Music Director shall work with the WMU Director in planning and directing music for WMU Associational meetings.
4.5.i. The Organist/Pianist shall serve with the Director of Music at WMU Associational meetings.
4.5.j. The Historian shall keep records of the Union including copies of minutes of executive and annual meetings, programs, and Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia Annuals. They shall be filed yearly and, if possible, kept in the office of the Director of Missions.

5.1. The annual meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association shall be held in April as decided by the Executive Council. If deemed necessary the Director, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may call special sessions of the organization.
5.2. Every session of the annual meeting shall be opened and closed with devotional services.
5.3. An Officers Workshop shall be held annually at a time decided by the Executive Committee.

6.1 The Executive Council shall be composed of all officers and consultants named in Article 4.1. the WMU Directors in each church in the Association and former Association Directors.
6.2. The Executive Council shall meet semi-annually at a date chosen by the Director and at other times as the Director deems necessary. The Executive Council shall recommend the policy and plans for the Union. Nine members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum.

7.1 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers and consultants as stated in Article 4.1.
7.2. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act between sessions of the Executive Council. The Committee shall be subject to the Bylaws of WMU of the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association of Virginia.
7.3. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Association Director. One-third (1/3) of members shall constitute a quorum.

8.1. The annual dues of each Union shall be two dollars ($2.00) per member of women on mission in each church of the Mid-Tidewater Baptist Association. The WMU budget year runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year..
8.2. Dues are payable no later than the annual meeting in April. Checks should be made payable to WMU Treasurer.
8.3. The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Association WMU Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and one at-large member appointed by the Director. This committee shall present a budget for the coming year at the annual meeting.

9.1. A special scholarship committee will be appointed by the Associations WMU Director to manage the Jean Gwathmey Scholarship Fund.

10.1. These bylaws may be amended at any annual or special meeting by two-thirds vote of members present, provided the proposed changes have been approved by the Executive Council and communicated to the membership one month prior to the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by the By-Laws Committee:
Carol Llewellyn-Hermitage, Jennifer Lucas-Saluda, Susiette Jackson-St. Stephens, Lillian Cox-Newington, Chairman